tabulate tbl
Displays a table with specified objects and their properties.
Displays a table with specified objects and their properties.
tabulate Plots
Displays a table of properties for all plots
tabulate CenterLines
Displays a table of properties for all centerlines.
tabulate CurvePoints
Displays a table of properties for all curvepoints.
<{1,...}: PlxObject'>'
{1,...} 1 ∞ | Sequence of one or more objects | |
PlxObject | Object | Objects to be displayed |
Mode | Target |
- | Global |
Displays a table with specified objects and some of their properties.
tabulate Plots "ResultType"
Displays a table of result types for all plots.
tabulate CenterLines "CenterLineType"
Displays a table of centerlinetype for all centerlines.
tabulate CurvePoints "x y z"
Displays a table of x, y, z-coordinates for all curvepoints.
<{1,...}: PlxObject'>' Text'
{1,...} 1 ∞ | Sequence of one or more objects | |
PlxObject | Object | objects to be displayed |
Text | Property description | The properties that should be displayed in the table, separated by spaces |
Mode | Target |
- | Global |
Displays a table with specified objects that fulfill a specified condition, and some of their properties.
tabulate Plots "ResultType" "ScaleFactor=50"
Displays a table of result types for the plots that have a scalefactor equal to 50.
tabulate CurvePoints "x" "Pointtype != Stress Point"
Displays a table of x-coordinates for the curve points that are not stress points.
tabulate CurvePoints "x y z" "z<0"
Displays a table of values for x,y,z coodinates for the curvepoints that have z-coordinate smaller than 0.
<{1,...}: PlxObject'>' Text' Text'
{1,...} 1 ∞ | Sequence of one or more objects | |
PlxObject | Object | Objects to be displayed |
Text | Property description | The properties that should be displayed in the table, separated by spaces |
Text | Specified condition | The condition that the objects that should be displayed should fulfill |
Mode | Target |
- | Global |