getsingleresult - PLAXIS 3D Output commands documentation

getsingleresult gsres

Gives the result at the specified coordinate or a specific node/stress point with or without result smoothing.
Gives the result at a specific node or stress point.
getsingleresult Phase_1 ResultTypes.Soil.Suction CN_1 Gives the result for suction at a specific soil node CN_1 for Phase_1.
<CalculationStage'|CalculationStepPath'> ResultType' CurvePoint'
CalculationStage Phase reference The phase for which the calculation results should be displayed
CalculationStepPath Step reference The step for which the calculation results should be displayed
ResultType Result type Result type for which the calculation results should be displayed
CurvePoint Point Node or stress point which has been selected for curves
Mode Target
- Global
Gives the result at a specific node or stress point with or without result smoothing.
getsingleresult Phase_1 ResultTypes.Soil.Suction CN_1 True Gives the result for suction at a specific soil node CN_1 for Phase_1 with result smoothing.
<CalculationStage'|CalculationStepPath'> ResultType' CurvePoint' Boolean'
CalculationStage Phase reference The phase for which the calculation results should be displayed
CalculationStepPath Step reference The step for which the calculation results should be displayed
ResultType Result type Result type for which the calculation results should be displayed
CurvePoint Point Node or stress point which has been selected for curves
Boolean Boolean Enables or disables the use of result smoothing
Mode Target
- Global
Gives the result at a specified coordinate
getsingleresult Phase_1 ResultTypes.Soil.Suction 0 1 7 Gives the result for suction at a specific coordinate (0 1 7) for Phase_1.
getsingleresult Phases[-1] ResultTypes.RigidBody.utot 0 1 0 Returns the total displacements absolute value of the rigid body which has its reference point at (0 1 0).
<CalculationStage'|CalculationStepPath'> ResultType' <Coords: Number' Number' Number'>'
CalculationStage Phase reference The phase for which the calculation results should be displayed
CalculationStepPath Step reference The step for which the calculation results should be displayed
ResultType Result type Result type for which the calculation results should be displayed
Coords Coordinates for results
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Number z z-coordinate
Mode Target
- Global
Gives the result at a specified coordinate with or without result smoothing.
getsingleresult Phase_1 ResultTypes.Soil.Suction 3 5 7 False Gives the result for suction at a specific coordinate (3 5 7) for Phase_1 without result smoothing.
<CalculationStage'|CalculationStepPath'> ResultType' <Coords: Number' Number' Number'>' Boolean'
CalculationStage Phase reference The phase for which the calculation results should be displayed
CalculationStepPath Step reference The step for which the calculation results should be displayed
ResultType Result type Result type for which the calculation results should be displayed
Coords Coordinates for results
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Number z z-coordinate
Boolean Boolean Enables or disables the use of smoothing for results
Mode Target
- Global
Gives the result at a specified coordinate with or without result smoothing along a preferred direction.
getsingleresult Phase_1 ResultTypes.Soil.Suction (3 5 7) True (1 0 0) Gives the result for suction at a specific point (3 5 7) for Phase_1 with result smoothing in the direction of (1 0 0).
<CalculationStage'|CalculationStepPath'> ResultType' <Coords: Number' Number' Number'> Boolean' <Coords: Number' Number' Number'>
CalculationStage Phase reference The phase for which the calculation results should be displayed
CalculationStepPath Step reference The step for which the calculation results should be displayed
ResultType Result type Result type for which the calculation results should be displayed
Coords Coordinates for results
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Number z z-coordinate
Boolean Boolean Enables or disables the use of smoothing for results
Coords Directional vector
Number x x component of vector
Number y y component of vector
Number z z component of vector
Mode Target
- Global
- Global
Gives the result at a specified coordinate on the update geometry of the mesh with or without result smoothing along a preferred direction.
getsingleresult Phase_1 ResultTypes.Soil.Suction (3 5 7) True (1 0 0) True Gives the result for suction a specific point (3 5 7) correspondent to the updated geometry of the mesh for Phase_1 with result smoothing in the direction of (1 0 0).
<CalculationStage'|CalculationStepPath'> ResultType' <Coords: Number' Number' Number'> Boolean' <Coords: Number' Number' Number'> Boolean'
CalculationStage Phase reference The phase for which the calculation results should be displayed
CalculationStepPath Step reference The step for which the calculation results should be displayed
ResultType Result type Result type for which the calculation results should be displayed
Coords Coordinates for results
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Number z z-coordinate
Boolean Boolean Enables or disables the use of smoothing for results
Coords Directional vector
Number x x component of vector
Number y y component of vector
Number z z component of vector
Boolean Boolean Enables or disables the use of updated geometry of the mesh when determining which soil element corresponds to the selected position
Mode Target
- Global