getcurveresults - PLAXIS 3D Output commands documentation

getcurveresults gcres

Displays results for curve points that have been previously selected.
Displays results for curve points that have been previously selected.
getcurveresults CurvePoints.Nodes[0] Phase_2 ResultTypes.Soil.Ux Generates the curve results of displacement in x direction for Phase_2 for preselected soil nodes.
getcurveresults CN_1 Step_4 ResultTypes.Soil.Ux Generates the curve results of displacement in x direction for Step_4 for curve point CN_1.
<{1,...}: <CurvePoint'|PlxObservableObjectList'>>' <{1,...}: <CalculationStage'|CalculationStepPath'>>' ResultType'
{1,..} 1 .. Sequence of one or more nodes or stress points
CurvePoint Node Preselected node for retriving results
PlxObservableObjectList List List of all nodes and stress points
{1,..} 1 .. Sequence of one or more phases
CalculationStage Phase reference The phase for which the calculation results should be displayed
CalculationStepPath Step reference The step for which the calculation results should be displayed
ResultType Result type Result type for which the calculation results should be displayed
Mode Target
- Global
Displays results for curve points that have been previously selected with minimum, maximum or last values.
getcurveresults PostCalcNodes[0] Phase_2 ResultTypes.Soil.Ux "max" Displays results of displacement in x direction for Phase_2 for post-calc soil nodes with maximum values for selected curve points.
getcurveresults CN_1 Step_4 ResultTypes.Soil.Ux "max" Displays results of displacement in x direction for Step_4 with maximum values for curve point CN_1.
'<{1,...}: <CurvePoint'|PlxObservableObjectList'>>' <{1,...}: <CalculationStage'|CalculationStepPath'>>' ResultType' <Text: "min"|"max"|"last">
{1,..} 1 .. Sequence of one or more nodes or stress points
CurvePoint Node Preselected node for retriving results
PlxObservableObjectList List List of all nodes and stress points
{1,..} 1 .. Sequence of one or more phases
CalculationStage Phase reference The phase for which the calculation results should be displayed
CalculationStepPath Step reference The step for which the calculation results should be displayed
ResultType Result type Result type for which the calculation results should be displayed
"min" Minimum value
"max" Maximum value
"last" Last result value
Mode Target
- Global