filter - PLAXIS 3D Output commands documentation

filter fi

Filters a list of specified objects.
Shows the contents of a list of objects.
filter Phases Shows all phases available for the project
<{1,...}: PlxObject'>
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more objects
PlxObject Object Objects to be shown
Mode Target
- Listables
Shows the item at the specified index in a listable.
filter Phases 1 Shows the phase with the index 1.
<<{1,...}: PlxObject'> Integer'>
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more objects
PlxObject Object Objects to be shown
Integer Integer Index of the item to be shown
Mode Target
- PlxValues
Shows a list of objects that fulfill a specified criterion.
filter Phases 2 5 Shows the phase from the index 2 to 5.
<<{1,...}: PlxObject'> Integer' Integer'>
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more objects
PlxObject Object Objects to be shown
Integer Integer Start index of the item to be shown
Integer Integer End index of the item to be shown
Mode Target
- PlxValues
Shows a list of objects that fulfill a specified criterion.
filter Phases "Info.MaxCores=4" Shows the available phases with 4 maximum cores.
<<{1,...}: PlxObject'> Text'>
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more objects
PlxObject Object Objects to be shown
Text Specified criterion Criterion that the objects that should be displayed have to fulfill
Mode Target
- Listables