contraction - PLAXIS 3D Input commands documentation

contraction ctr

Adds contraction features to structural surfaces.
Adds contraction features to one or more existing structural surfaces in the geometry.
contraction Polygon_1 Adds a contraction feature to Polygon_1.
contraction Polygon_2 Polygon_3 Adds contraction features to Polygon_2 and Polygon_3.
contraction (Polygon_6 Polygon_4) Adds contraction features to Polygon_6 and Polygon_4.
contraction Group_1 Adds contraction features to all structural surfaces in Group_1. Group_1 should consist of only structural surfaces.
<{1,...}: StructuralSurface'>'
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more structural surfaces
StructuralSurface Surface object reference Name of the structural surface to which a contraction feature should be added
Mode Target
Geometry Global
Creates a structural surface between three or more points (which may either exist or will be created) and adds a contraction feature to it.
contraction Point_1 Point_2 (1 0 5) Creates a structural surface between Point_1, Point_2 and a new point with coordinates (0, 0, 5) and adds a contraction feature to it.
<Point{3,...}: <Point'|<Coords: Number' Number' Number'>'>>
Point{3,...} 3 Sequence of three or more points
Point Point object reference Names of the points between which a contraction should be created
Coords Coordinates
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Number z z-coordinate
Mode Target
Geometry Global
Creates a structural surface from a polycurve and adds a contraction feature to it.
contraction Polycurve_3 Creates a structural surface from Polycurve_3 and adds a contraction feature to it.
Polycurve Polycurve object reference Name of the polycurve from which a contraction should be created
Mode Target
Geometry Global
Adds contraction features to one or more existing structural surfaces in the geometry and directly sets their properties.
contraction Polygon_1 "Distribution" "Axial increment" "C_inc_axial" 2.1 Adds a contraction feature to Polygon_1, sets the Distribution to "Axial increment" and the Cinc,axial to 2.1.
contraction (Polygon_2 Polygon_3) "Distribution" "Axial increment" "C_inc_axial" 2.1 Adds contraction features to Polygon_2 and Polygon_3, sets the Distribution to "Axial increment" and the Cinc,axial to 2.1 for both contractions.
<{1,...}: StructuralSurface'>'<PropValue{1,...}: <PropValue: Text' Any>'>
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more structural surfaces
StructuralSurface Surface object reference Name of the structural surface to which a contraction feature should be added
PropValue{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more property-value pairs
PropValue Property-value pair
Text Property name Property name
Any Property value Property value
Mode Target
Geometry Global
Creates a structural surface between three or more points (which may either exist or will be created), adds a contraction feature to it and directly sets its properties.
contraction Point_1 Point_2 (1 0 5) "Distribution" "Axial increment" "C_inc_axial" 2.1 Creates a structural surface between Point_1, Point_2 and a new point with coordinates (0, 0, 5), adds a contraction feature to it, sets the Distribution to "Axial increment" and the Cinc,axial to 2.1.
<Point{3,...}: <Point'|<Coords: Number' Number' Number'>'>><PropValue{1,...}: <PropValue: Text' Any>'>
Point{3,...} 3 Sequence of three or more points
Point Point object reference Names of the points between which a contraction should be created
Coords Coordinates
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Number z z-coordinate
PropValue{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more property-value pairs
PropValue Property-value pair
Text Property name Property name
Any Property value Property value
Mode Target
Geometry Global
Creates a structural surface from a polycurve and adds a contraction feature to it and directly sets its properties.
contraction Polycurve_8 "Distribution" "Axial increment" "C_inc_axial" 2.1 Creates a structural surface from Polycurve_8, adds a contraction feature to it, sets the Distribution to "Axial increment" and the Cinc,axial to 2.1.
Polycurve' <PropValue{1,...}: <PropValue: Text' Any>'>
Polycurve Polycurve reference Name of the polycurve from which a contraction should be created
PropValue{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more property-value pairs
PropValue Property-value pair
Text Property name Property name
Any Property value Property value
Mode Target
Geometry Global