addsubcurve - PLAXIS 3D Input commands documentation

addsubcurve asc

Adds a subcurve to a tunnel cross section.
Adds a subline to a tunnel cross section
addsubcurve Tunnel_1.CrossSection Adds a subcurve to Tunnel_1.
<no parameters>
no parameters
Mode Target
Geometry Tunnel
{1,...} SubsectionPolycurve {2,...} Segment
Adds a subcurve to a tunnel cross section
addsubcurve Tunnel_1.CrossSection "Line" 2 3 180 1 Adds a subline to Tunnel_1 from coordinates (2, 3), a starting angle of 180 degree and a length of 1.
addsubcurve Tunnel_1.CrossSection "Arc" 2 3 0 90 1 Adds a subcurve to Tunnel_1 from coordinates (2, 3), a staring angle of 0 degree, an end angle of 90 degree and a length of 1.
<{1,...}: <<<Text: "Line"> Number' Number' <Number'(°) Number'>'>'|<<Text: "Arc"> Number' Number' <Number'(°) Number'(°) Number'>'>'>>
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more objects
Text "Line" Create a line by giving relative coordinates
Number Coordinate First coordinate
Number Coordinate Second coordinate
Number Angle Angle of the line with respect to the cross-section plane
Number Length Length of the line that should be created
Text "Arc" Create an arc by giving relative coordinates
Number Coordinate First coordinate
Number Coordinate Second coordinate
Number Angle Starting angle of the arc with respect to the cross-section plane
Number Angle End angle of the arc with respect to the cross-section plane
Number Length Length of the arc that should be created
Mode Target
Geometry Tunnel
{1,...} SubsectionPolycurve {2,...} Segment