SubsectionPolycurve - PLAXIS 3D Input objects documentation


Subsection of a polycurve.
Property Long name Unit Description
Name Name - Name of the subsection of a polycurve.
Comments Comments - Comments on the subsection of a polycurve.
UserFeatures UserFeatures - UserFeatures of the subsection of a polycurve.
Parent Parent - Name of the parent object of the subsection of a polycurve.
Generator Generator - Name of the polycurve that generates the subsections.
Offset1 Offset1 Length Offset in the direction of vector defining the local first axis.
Offset2 Offset2 Length Offset in the direction of vector defining the local second axis.
x x Length x-coordinate.
y y Length y-coordinate.
z z Length z-coordinate.
Segments Segments - Segments of the subsection of a polycurve.