RigidBody - PLAXIS 3D Output objects documentation


Result types for rigid bodies.
Property Long name Unit Description
XRef X Length x coordinate
YRef Y Length y coordinate
ZRef Z Length z coordinate
Force |Force| Force Total force
Fx Fx Force Force in the x-direction
Fy Fy Force Force in the y-direction
Fz Fz Force Force in the z-direction
Fprev |Fprev| Force Total force of the previous phase
Fxprev Fprev,x Force Force of the previous phase in the x-direction
Fyprev Fprev,y Force Force of the previous phase in the y-direction
Fzprev Fprev,z Force Force of the previous phase in the z-direction
Ftarget |Ftarget| Force Desired total force
Fxtarget Ftarget,x Force Desired total force in the x-direction
Fytarget Ftarget,y Force Desired total force in the y-direction
Fztarget Ftarget,z Force Desired total force in the z-direction
Freaction |Freaction| Force Total force that was necessary to reach the specified displacement
Fxreaction Freaction,x Force X-component of the reaction force
Fyreaction Freaction,y Force Y-component of the reaction force
Fzreaction Freaction,z Force Z-component of the reaction force
M |M| Force·Length Total bending moment vector
Mx Mx Force·Length X-component of the bending moment vector
My My Force·Length Y-component of the bending moment vector
Mz Mz Force·Length Z-component of the bending moment vector
Mprev |Mprev| Force·Length Total bending moment of the previous phase
Mxprev Mprev,x Force·Length X-component of bending moment of the previous phase
Myprev Mprev,y Force·Length Y-component of bending moment of the previous phase
Mzprev Mprev,z Force·Length Z-component of bending moment of the previous phase
Mtarget |Mtarget| Force·Length Desired total bending moment
Mxtarget Mtarget,x Force·Length Desired total bending moment in the x-direction
Mytarget Mtarget,y Force·Length Desired total bending moment in the y-direction
Mztarget Mtarget,z Force·Length Desired total bending moment in the z-direction
Mreaction |Mreac| Force·Length Total reaction bending moment
Mxreaction Mreac,x Force·Length X-component of the reaction bending moment
Myreaction Mreac,y Force·Length Y-component of the reaction bending moment
Mzreaction Mreaction,z Force·Length Z-component of the reaction bending moment
Utot |u| Length Total displacement
Ux ux Length X-component of the total displacement
Uy uy Length Y-component of the total displacement
Uz uz Length Z-component of the total displacement
dUtot |Δu| Length Total incremental displacement
dUx Δux Length Incremental displacement in x-direction
dUy Δuy Length Incremental displacement in y-direction
dUz Δuz Length Incremental displacement in z-direction
PUtot |Pu| Length Total summed displacement per phase
PUx Pux Length Summed displacement per phase in x-direction
PUy Puy Length Summed displacement per phase in y-direction
PUz Puz Length Summed displacement per phase in z-direction
phix φx ° X-component of the rotation angle for the rigid body when the rotation condition is set to rotation
phiy φy ° Y-component of the rotation angle for the rigid body when the rotation condition is set to rotation
phiz φz ° Z-component of the rotation angle for the rigid body when the rotation condition is set to rotation
dphix Δφx ° X-component of the incremental rotation
dphiy Δφy ° Y-component of the incremental rotation
dphiz Δφz ° Z-component of the incremental rotation
Pphix x ° X-component of phase rotation
Pphiy y ° Y-component of phase rotation
Pphiz z ° Z-component of phase rotation
Vtot |v| Length/Time Total velocity
Vx vx Length/Time Velocity in x-direction
Vy vy Length/Time Velocity in y-direction
Vz vz Length/Time Velocity in z-direction
Vrotx vrot,x Length/Time X-component of the angular velocity
Vroty vrot,y Length/Time Y-component of the angular velocity
Vrotz vrot,z Length/Time Z-component of the angular velocity
Atot |a| Length/Time2 Total acceleration
Ax ax Length/Time2 Acceleration in x-direction
Ay ay Length/Time2 Acceleration in y-direction
Az az Length/Time2 Acceleration in z-direction
Arotx arot,x Length/Time2 Angular acceleration in g in x-direction
Aroty arot,y Length/Time2 Angular acceleration in g in y-direction
Arotz arot,z Length/Time2 Angular acceleration in g in z-direction
Agtot |a|('g') Length/Time2 Total acceleration in g
Agx ax('g') Length/Time2 Acceleration in g in x-direction
Agy ay('g') Length/Time2 Acceleration in g in y-direction
Agz az('g') Length/Time2 Acceleration in g in z-direction