EmbeddedBeam - PLAXIS 3D Output objects documentation


Result types for embedded beam
Property Long name Unit Description
X X Length x-axis of position
Y Y Length y-axis of position
Z Z Length z coordinate
Ux ux Length Total displacement in x direction
Uy uy Length Total displacement in the y direction
Uz uz Length Total displacement in z direction
Utot |u| Length Total displacement
dUx Δux Length Incremental displacement in x direction
dUy Δuy Length Incremental displacement in y direction
dUz Δuz Length Incremental displacement in z direction
dUtot |Δu| Length Incremental displacement
PUx Pux Length Summed displacement per phase in x direction
PUy Puy Length Summed displacement per phase in y direction
PUz Puz Length Summed displacement per phase in z direction
PUtot |Pu| Length Summed displacement per phase
Vx vx Length/Time Velocity in the x direction
Vy vy Length/Time Velocity in the y direction
Vz vz Length/Time Velocity in z direction
Vtot |v| Length Velocity
Ax ax Length/Time2 Acceleration in the x direction
Ay ay Length/Time2 Acceleration in the y direction
Az az Length/Time2 Acceleration in z direction
Atot |a| Length/Time2 Acceleration
Urel1 uRel1 - Friction along first direction
Urel2 uRel2 - Friction along second direction
Urel3 uRel3 - Friction along third direction
N N Force Axial force
Q12 Q12 Force Shear force
Q13 Q13 Force Shear force
M1 M1 Force·Length Bending moment
M2 M2 Force·Length Bending moment
M3 M3 Force·Length Bending moment
Phi1 φ1 ° Local displacement below u3.
IRelUx ux,rel Length x difference in displacement between opposing nodes in a structure
IRelUy uy,rel Length y difference in displacement between opposing nodes in a structure
IRelUtot |urel| Length total difference in displacement between opposing nodes in a structure
IReldUx Δux,rel Length x difference in incremental displacement between opposing nodes in a structure
IReldUy Δuy,rel Length y difference in incremental displacement between opposing nodes in a structure
IReldUtot |Δurel| Length total difference in incremental displacement between opposing nodes in a structure
IRelPUx Pux,rel Length x difference in summed displacement between opposing nodes in a structure per phase
IRelPUy Puy,rel Length y difference in summed displacement between opposing nodes in a structure per phase
IRelPUtot |Purel| Length total difference in summed displacement between opposing nodes in a structure per phase
Tskin Tskin Force/Length/Length Friction on the embedded beam in the direction of the embedded beam
Tlat Tlat Force/Length/Length Friction on the embedded beam in the lateral direction. Perpendicular to Tskin
Tlat2 Tlat2 Force/Length/Length Friction on the embedded beam in the lateral direction. Perpendicular to Tskin
Force_EnvelopeMin Nmin Force/Length NEEDS TO BE FILLED
Force_EnvelopeMax Nmax Force/Length NEEDS TO BE FILLED
Q12_EnvelopeMin Q12min Force/Length Minimum shear force
Q12_EnvelopeMax Q12max Force/Length Maximum shear force
Q13_EnvelopeMin Q13,min Force/Length Minimum shear force
Q13_EnvelopeMax Q13,max Force/Length Maximum shear force
M1_EnvelopeMin M1,min Force·Length Minimum bending moment.
M1_EnvelopeMax M1,max Force·Length Maximum bending moment.
M2_EnvelopeMin M2,min Force·Length Minimum bending moment.
M2_EnvelopeMax M2,max Force·Length Maximum bending moment.
M3_EnvelopeMin M3,min Force·Length Minimum bending moment.
M3_EnvelopeMax M3,max Force·Length Maximum bending moment.
T1_EnvelopeMin Tskin,min Torque·Length Minimum torque.
T1_EnvelopeMax Tskin,max Torque·Length Maximum torque.
InterfaceRelativeShearStress τrel - Relative shear stress in embedded beams
FootForce Ffoot Force Force applied at the bottom of the embedded beam row
PlasticPoint Status -
Type of the plastic point
The first three points of the surface are used to define the plane of the surface.
All points of the surface are used to define the plane of the surface using the least squares method.
Agx ax('g') - Acceleration in g in x direction
Agy ay('g') - Acceleration in g in y direction
Agz az('g') - Acceleration in g in z direction
Agtot |a|('g') - Total acceleration in g
Area Area Length2 Element area
U1 u1 Length Total displacement in first local axis direction
U2 u2 Length Total displacement in second local axis direction
U3 u3 Length Total displacement in third local axis direction
dU1 Δu1 Length Incremental displacement in first local axis direction
dU2 Δu2 Length Incremental displacement in second local axis direction
dU3 Δu3 Length Incremental displacement in third local axis direction
PU1 Pu1 Length Summed displacement per phase in first local axis direction
PU2 Pu2 Length Summed displacement per phase in second local axis direction
PU3 Pu3 Length Summed displacement per phase in third local axis direction
Height Elevation Length Elevation
QualityLinLength QLength - Same as Area divided by the maximum length of any line-like structure found in the mesh.
SPUx ΣPux Length Summed displacement over phases in x direction
SPUy ΣPuy Length Summed displacement over phases in y direction
SPUz ΣPuz Length Summed displacement over phases in z direction
SPUtot |ΣPu| Length Total summed displacement over phases
NodeID Node ID - Returns the ID of the nodes
StressPointID Stress point ID - Returns the ID of the stress points
ElementID Element ID - Returns the element ID for the embedded beam row structures
LocalNumber Local number - The n-th node or stress point in a soil element