RockBoltsPerpendicular - PLAXIS 3D Input objects documentation


Rock bolts in tunnel geometry.
Property Long name Unit Description
Name Name - Name of the rock bolts.
Comments Comments - Comments on the rock bolts.
UserFeatures UserFeatures - UserFeatures of the RockBoltsPerpendicular object.
Parent Parent - Name of the parent tunnel object.
Material Material - Material of the rock bolts.
ApplyStrengthReduction Apply strength reduction - Apply strength reduction for the rock bolts.
Configuration Configuration -
Rock bolt
Rock bolt is a rock bolt (no inclination).
Umbrella arch
Rock bolt is an umbrella arch (with inclination).
Angle Angle ° Inclination angle of an umbrella arch.
NumberOfBoltsBreadth Number of bolts breadth - Number of rock bolts along the tunnel contour.
SpacingBreadth Spacing breadth Length Distance between the rock bolts along the tunnel contour.
Length Length Length Length of the rock bolts perpendicular to the tunnel contour.
OffsetLength Offset length Length Distance from the first tunnel point to the first rock bolt perpendicular to the tunnel contour.
OffsetBreadth Offset breadth Length Distance from the first tunnel point to the first rock bolt along the tunnel contour.