LineDisplacement - PLAXIS 3D Input objects documentation


Line prescribed displacement feature of a line.
Property Long name Unit Description
Name Name - Name of the line prescribed displacement.
Comments Comments - Comments on the line prescribed displacement.
Parent Parent - Name of the line where the line prescribed displacement feature is applied to.
Displacement_x Displacementx -
The line can displace freely along the x-axis.
The line is fixed along the x-axis.
The line has a prescribed displacement along the x-axis.
Displacement_y Displacementy -
The line can displace freely along the y-axis.
The line is fixed along the y-axis.
The line has a prescribed displacement along the y-axis.
Displacement_z Displacementz -
The line can displace freely along the z-axis.
The line is fixed along the z-axis.
The line has a prescribed displacement along the z-axis.
Distribution Distribution -
The displacement value is constant over the entire line.
The displacement value changes linearly along the line.
ux_start ux,start Length x-component of the displacement at the start of the line.
uy_start uy,start Length y-component of the displacement at the start of the line.
uz_start uz,start Length z-component of the displacement at the start of the line.
u_start |ustart| Length Absolute value of the displacement at the start of the line.
ux_end ux,end Length x-component of the displacement at the end of the line.
uy_end uy,end Length y-component of the displacement at the end of the line.
uz_end uz,end Length z-component of the displacement at the end of the line.
u_end |uend| Length Absolute value of the displacement at the end of the line.