revolve - PLAXIS 3D Input commands documentation

revolve rv

Creates a surface or volume by revolution of a line or surface around an axis
Creates a volume or surface by revolving a surface or line around an axis defined by two points
revolve Polycurve_1 (0 0 0) (0 0 1) 180 Creates a surface by revolving Polycurve_1 180 degrees around the axis defined by the line between points (0 0 0) and (0 0 1).
revolve Polygon_1 (0 0 0) (1 1 1) 360 Creates a volume by revolving Polygon_1 360 degrees around the axis defined by the line between points (0 0 0) and (1 1 1).
<{1,...}: Revolvable>' <Point'|<Coords: Number' Number' Number'>'> <Point'|<Coords: Number' Number' Number'>'> Number'(°)
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more revolvable objects
Revolvable Revolvable object reference Name of a geometric entity that must be revolved
Point Point object reference Name of a reference axis start point
Coords Coordinates of axis start point
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Number z z-coordinate
Point Point object reference Name of a reference axis end point
Coords Coordinates of axis end point
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Number z z-coordinate
Number Angle Degrees of revolution around the specified reference axis
Mode Target
Geometry Global