insertwaterpoint - PLAXIS 3D Input commands documentation


Inserts a new point to an existing water level.
Inserts a new point to an existing water level before a specified point of the water level.
insertwaterpoint UserWaterLevel_1 3 (2 6 4) -5 Inserts a new point to UserWaterLevel_1 before the point at index 3 with coordinates (2, 6), a zref of 4 and a pinc of -5.
Integer' <Point'|<Coords: Number' Number' Number'>'> Number'
Integer Point number Number of the point after which the new point should be inserted. The numbering of points is 0-based, so the first point has number 0.
Point Point object reference The coordinates of which are used to insert a new point in the water level
Coords Coordinates
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Number zref z-coordinate where the pore pressure is equal to zero
Number pinc Pressure increment
Mode Target
Water levels Water level