extrude - PLAXIS 3D Input commands documentation

extrude ex

Extrudes an object along a vector.
Extrudes one or more objects along a specified vector.
extrude Point_1 1 0 5 Extrudes Point_1 in direction towards (1, 0, 5).
extrude Line_1 (1 0 5) Extrudes Line_1 in direction towards (1, 0, 5).
extrude Surface_1 (1 0 5) Extrudes Surface_1 in direction towards (1, 0, 5).
extrude Point_1 Line_1 Surface_1 (1 0 5) Extrudes Point_1, Line_1 and Surface_1 in direction towards (1, 0, 5).
<{1,...}: Extrudable>' <Coords: Number' Number' Number'>'
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more extrudable objects
Extrudable Object reference Name of the objects that are to be extruded
Coords Vector giving the object'{}s extruding direction
Number x x-value
Number y y-value
Number z z-value
Mode Target
Geometry Global
{1,...} Object
Extrudes one or more objects along a line or polycurve specifying the trajectory.
extrude Polygon_1 Line_1 Extrudes Polygon_1 along the trajectory specified by Line_1.
extrude Polygon_1 Polygon_2 Polycurve_1 Extrudes Polygon_1 and Polygon_2 along the trajectory specified by Polycurve_1.
<{1,...}: ExtrudableOrTrajectoryRepresentative>'
ExtrudableOrTrajectoryRepresentative Object Reference Name of the extrudable object or name of the object specifying the trajectory
Mode Target
Geometry Global
{1,...} Object