export - PLAXIS 3D Input commands documentation

export exp

Exports 3D models, structural entities, geometries, cutobjects, as CAD file formats (.step, .stp, .dxf, .brep)
Exports a defined 3D model to a specified location in a specified file format.
export "C:\data\CADgeometry.step" Exports a geometry as "step" CAD file format to a specified location
Text Location to save an output CAD file
Mode Target
All Global
Exports selected geometric objects to a specified location in a specified file format.
export "C:\data\CADgeometry.brep" Volume_1 Exports the specified Volume as "brep" CAD file format to a specified location
Text' <{1,...}: <Point'|Line'|Polycurve'|Tunnel'|StructuralSurface'|Volume'>>'
Text Text Location to save an output CAD file
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more geometric objects
Point Point object reference Name of a point that should be exported
Line Line object reference Name of a line that should be exported
Polycurve Polycurve object reference Name of a polycurve that should be exported
Tunnel Tunnel object reference Name of a tunnel object that should be exported
StructuralSurface Surface object reference Name of a structural surface that should be exported
Volume Volume object reference Name of a volume that should be exported
Mode Target
Geometry Global
Exports selected cut objects to a specified location in a specified file format.
export "C:\data\CADgeometry.brep" Surface_Volume_1_1_1 Exports the specified polygon as "brep" CAD file format to a specified location
Text' <{1,...}: CutObject'>'
Text Text Location to save an output CAD file
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more cut objects
CutObject Object reference Name of a cut object that should be exported
Mode Target
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction Global