cone - PLAXIS 3D Input commands documentation


Creates a cone.
Creates a cone with a specified base radius and height at the origin (0, 0, 0).
cone 2 5 Creates a cone with a base radius of 2 and a height of 5 at the origin (0, 0, 0).
Number' Number'
Number Base radius Desired base radius of the cone
Number Height Desired height of the cone
Mode Target
Geometry Global
{1} Volume {1} Soil
Creates a cone with a specified base radius and height at a specified location (x, y, z).
cone 2 5 (1 2 3) Creates a cone with a base radius of 2 and a height of 5 at coordinates (1, 2, 3).
Number' Number' <Coords: Number' Number' Number'>'
Number Base radius Desired base radius of the cone
Number Height Desired height of the cone
Coords Coordinates of the center point of cone's base
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Number z z-coordinate
Mode Target
Geometry Global
{1} Volume {1} Soil
Creates a cone with a specified base radius and height at a specified location (x, y, z) in a specified direction described by a vector.
cone 2 5 (1 2 3) (5 7 12) Creates a cone with a base radius of 2 and a height of 5 at coordinates (1, 2, 3) pointing in direction (5, 7, 12).
Number' Number' <Coords: Number' Number' Number'>' <Coords: Number' Number' Number'>'
Number Base radius Desired base radius of the cone
Number Height Desired height of the cone
Coords Coordinates of the center point of cone's base
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Number z z-coordinate
Coords Vector giving the direction in which the cone should be pointing
Number x x-value
Number y y-value
Number z z-value
Mode Target
Geometry Global
{1} Volume {1} Soil
Creates a truncated cone with a specified base radius, a specified top circle base and height at the origin (0, 0, 0).
cone 1.2 8 0.8 Creates a truncated cone with a base radius of 1.2, a specified top circle base of 0.8 and a height of 8 at the origin (0, 0, 0).
Number' Number' Number'
Number Base radius Desired base radius of the truncated cone
Number Height Desired height of the truncated cone
Number Top circle base Desired top circle base of the truncated cone
Mode Target
Geometry Global
{1} Volume {1} Soil
Creates a truncated cone with a specified base radius, a specified top circle base and height at a specified location (x, y, z) .
cone 1.2 8 0.8 (1 2 3) Creates a truncated cone with a base radius of 1.2, a specified top circle base of 0.8 and a height of 8 at coordinates (1, 2, 3).
Number' Number' Number' <Coords: Number' Number' Number'>'
Number Base radius Desired base radius of the truncated cone
Number Height Desired height of the truncated cone
Number Top circle base Desired top circle base of the truncated cone
Coords Coordinates of the center point of cone's base
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Number z z-coordinate
Mode Target
Geometry Global
{1} Volume {1} Soil
Creates a truncated cone with a specified base radius, a specified top circle base and height at a specified location (x, y, z) in a specified direction described by a vector.
cone 1.2 8 0.8 (1 2 3) (5 7 12) Creates a truncated cone with a base radius of 1.2, a specified top circle base of 0.8 and a height of 8 at coordinates (1, 2, 3) pointing in direction (5, 7, 12).
Number' Number' Number' <Coords: Number' Number' Number'>' <Coords: Number' Number' Number'>'
Number Base radius Desired base radius of the truncated cone
Number Height Desired height of the truncated cone
Number Top circle base Desired top circle base of the truncated cone
Coords Coordinates of the center point of cone's base
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Number z z-coordinate
Coords Vector giving the direction in which the cone should be pointing
Number x x-value
Number y y-value
Number z z-value
Mode Target
Geometry Global
{1} Volume {1} Soil