apply - PLAXIS 3D Input commands documentation

apply map

Applies a command to multiple objects at once.
Applies a command to multiple objects at once. Every time a command is applied to an object an undo-able action is created.
apply Points "setproperties" "x" 3 Sets the x-coordinate of all points to 3.
Listable' Text'
Listable Listable reference Name of the listable to which the command should be applied
Text Command Command that should be applied to the listable
Mode Target
All Global
Applies a command to multiple objects at once. Every time a command is applied to an object an undo-able action is created.
apply Points "setproperties" "x" 3 Sets the x-coordinate of all points to 3.
apply Phases "setproperties" "Solver" 1 Sets the solver type for all phases to 'Pardiso'.
apply NodeToNodeAnchors "sps" "AdjustPrestress" Phase_1 True Sets the option to adjust the prestress force for all node-to-node anchors in phase 1 to true.
Listable' Text' <Everything>'
Listable Listable reference Name of the listable to which the command should be applied
Text Command Command that should be applied to the listable
Everything Parameter(s) Parameter(s) for the command that should be applied
Mode Target
All Global
{0,...}, Object