__writephasestomesh - PLAXIS 3D Input commands documentation

__writephasestomesh __wpm

Writes water and load conditions to files.
Writes the modified parts of the water and load conditions in one or more phases to the files used by the calculation kernel.
__writephasestomesh (InitialPhase Phase_1) Writes the modified parts of the water and load conditions in the initial phase and Phase_1.
<{1,...}: PlxBasePhase'>'
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more phases
PlxBasePhase Phase reference Name of the phase for which the modified parts of the water and load conditions should be written
Mode Target
Water levels, Staged construction Global
Writes all water and load conditions in one or more phases to the files used by the calculation kernel.
__writephasestomesh (Phase_1 Phase_2) True Writes all water and load conditions of Phase_1 and Phase_2 regardless of whether they were changed.
<{1,...}: PlxBasePhase'>' Boolean'
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more phases
PlxBasePhase Phase reference Name of the phase for which the water and load conditions should be written
Boolean Boolean True enables the option to write all water and load conditions regardless of whether they were changed, false enables that only the modified parts should be written
Mode Target
Water levels, Staged construction Global
Writes the modified parts of the water and load conditions in all phases to the files used by the calculation kernel.
__writephasestomesh Writes the modified parts of the water and load conditions in all phases.
<no parameters>
no parameters
Mode Target
Water levels, Staged construction Global
Writes all water and load conditions in all phases to the files used by the calculation kernel.
__writephasestomesh True Writes all water and load conditions in all phases.
Boolean Boolean True enables the option to write all water and load conditions regardless of whether they were changed, false enables that only the modified parts should be written
Mode Target
Water levels, Staged construction Global