__dumpparamobject - PLAXIS 3D Input commands documentation

__dumpparamobject __dpo

Displays the details of parametric objects.
Displays the type, number of faces, volume and area of a parametric object.
__dumpparamobject Volume_1 Displays the type, number of faces, volume and area of Volume_1.
<no parameters>
no parameters
Mode Target
Geometry Parametric object
Displays the type, number of faces, volume, area of a parametric object and detailed face data when set to true.
__dumpparamobject Volume_1 true Display the type, number of faces, volume, area of Volume_1 and detailed face data.
__dumpparamobject Volume_1_1 false Display the type, number of faces, volume and area of Volume_1_1.
Boolean Boolean True displays the detailed face data, false does not display the detailed face data
Mode Target
Geometry Parametric object