ObservablePlot - PLAXIS 2D Output objects documentation


Table with plot properties for structural elements.
Property Long name Unit Description
|u| |u| m Total displacements
PlotType Plot type - Type of structural plot
MeshSettings Mesh settings - Mesh settings for a structural plot
DrawFrame Draw frame - This parameter is used to display or hide frame on created plots.
DrawProjectDirectory Draw project directory - This parameter is used to display or hide project directory information on created plots.
DrawTitle Draw title - This parameter is used to display or hide title on created plots.
DrawLegend Draw legend - This parameter is used to display or hide legend on created plots.
DrawRulers Draw rulers - This parameter is used to display or hide rulers on created plots.
DrawAxes Draw axes - This parameter is used to display or hide axes on created plots.
DrawLogo Draw logo - This parameter is used to display or hide logo on created plots.
ProjectDescription Project description - The description of the project that is shown in the exported image.
ResultType Result type - This parameter is used to control what result types are shown in the plot.
PlotType Plot type - This parameter is used to control how the result is visualised.
Step - Displays step information.
Phase - Displays phase information.
PhaseBehaviour Phase behaviour - Displays phase behaviour information.
ScaleFactor Scale factor - Displays scale factor information.
LogScaleFactor Log scale factor - Displays log scale factor information.
LegendSettings Legend settings - Controls legend settings.
MeshSettings Mesh settings - Controls various visibility settings on the mesh.