InputSettings - PLAXIS 2D Output objects documentation


This object represents the input settings for the calculation of a phase
Property Long name Unit Description
TimeInterval Time interval Time Time
TimeIntervalSeconds Time interval seconds Time Dynamic time
UseTensionCutoff Use tension cutoff -
Enables the use of tension cut-off.
Disables the use of tension cut-off.
TensionCutOff Tension cut-off - The value at which the tension is maxed out
UseCavitationCutOff Use cavitation cut-off -
Enables the use of cavitation cut-off.
Disables the use of cavitation cut-off.
CavitationCutOff Cavitation cut-off - The value at which the cavitation is maxed out
IgnoreSuction Ignore suction -
Ignores the use of suction.
Suction is taken into account.
UseUpdatedWaterPressures Use updated water pressures -
Updated water pressures are taken into account.
Updated water pressures are not taken into account.
IgnoreUndrainedBehaviour Ignore undrained behaviour -
Undrained behaviour will be ignored in this phase.
Undrained behaviour is taken into account.
Is3D Is3D - To check if the project is 3D or not.
Is64Bits Is64Bits - To check if the calculation was performed in 64bit mode
DeformCalcType Deformation calculation type -
K0 procedure
This calculation type can be used to define the initial stresses for the model, taking into account the loading history of the soil.
Gravity loading
The phase will be calculated using a plastic calculation, in which initial stresses are generated based on the volumetric weight of the soil.
Flow only
The phase will be calculated using no effective stresses.
Field stress
This calculation type can be used to define a homogeneous initial stress state in the model, taking into account a rotation of principal stresses. This might be relevant for applications in deep soil or rock layers where the formation of these layers in the geological history has caused a rotation of principal stresses (shearing).
LoadingType Loading type -
Staged construction
Consolidation and simultaneous loading in the sense of changing the load combination, stress state, weight, strength or stiffness of the elements, activated by changing the load and geometry configuration or pore pressure distribution by means of staged construction.
Minimum excess pore pressure
Consolidation without additional loading, until all excess pore pressures have decreased below a certain minimum value, specified by the minimum pore pressure parameter.
Degree of consolidation
Consolidation without additional loading, until a desired degree of consolidation, specified by the degree of consolidation parameter, is reached.
Target SumMsf
Reduction of the soil and interface strength towards a target value of the total multiplier ΣMsf. The program first performs a full safety analysis until failure and then it recalculates the last step before the target value of ΣMsf in order to reach the target exactly.
Incremental Multipliers
Reduction of the soil interface strength parameters by using Incremental Multipliers option.
UseUpdatedMesh Use updated mesh -
Enables the use of an updated mesh.
Disables the use of an updated mesh.
MaxStepCount Max step count - The maximum number of steps for a phase
SubStepCount Sub step count - The number of sub-steps used for a phase
ArcLengthControl Arc length control - 1 if arc-length control is used, 0 if not and -1 if unavailable
MinIterations Min iterations - The desired minimum number of iterations. -1 if unavailable.
MaxIterations Max iterations - The desired maximum number of iterations. -1 if unavailable.
ToleratedError Tolerated error - The tolerated error. -1 if unavailable.
OverRelaxation Over relaxation - The over relaxation factor. -1 if unavailable.
DesignApproachID Design approach ID - Design approach name for materials
Solver Solver - The solver used in a calculation
MaxCores Max cores - The number of CPU cores used in a calculation
UseSubspaceAccelerator UseSubspaceAccelerator -
Enables the use of subspace accelerator for the calculation.
Disables the use of subspace accelerator for the calculation.
SubspaceSize SubspaceSize - Value of the subspace size for subspace accelerator. Default value is 3.