LineProperties - PLAXIS 2D Input objects documentation


Properties describing the shape of a line segment of a polycurve.
Property Long name Unit Description
Name Name - Name of the line properties.
Comments Comments - Comments on the line properties.
Parent Parent - The segment to which the line properties are applied.
DirectionAngle1 Direction angle 1 ° Increment of the slope of the line segment.
LocalStartPosition1 LocalStartPosition1 Length Horizontal value (x-component) of the offset to begin point
LocalStartPosition2 LocalStartPosition2 Length Vertical value (y-component) of the offset to begin point
LocalCenterPosition1 LocalCenterPosition1 Length Horizontal value (x-component) of the center of the full circle that can be drawn thought the line in the tunnel designer local space.
LocalCenterPosition2 LocalCenterPosition2 Length Vertical value (y-component) of the center of the full circle that can be drawn thought the line in the tunnel designer local space.
LocalEndPosition1 LocalEndPosition1 Length Horizontal value (x-component) of the offset to end point
LocalEndPosition2 LocalEndPosition2 Length Vertical value (y-component) of the offset to end point
Delta1 Delta1 ° The horizontal increment of the line formed by the start and end point of the segment. Δ1 is in local polycurve space (defined by the orientation axes), not global model space.
Delta1 Delta1 ° The vertical increment of the line of formed by the start and end point of the segment. Δ1 is in local polycurve space (defined by the orientation axes), not global model space.
Length Length - Length of the line segment.