DesignApproach - PLAXIS 2D Input objects documentation


Define partial factors for loads and model parameters.
Property Long name Unit Description
Name Name - Name of the design approach.
Comments Comments - Comments on the design approach.
UserFeatures UserFeatures - UserFeatures of the design approach.
Identification Identification - Identification of the design approach.
LoadFactorTable Load factor table -
Permanent unfavourable
Set the partial factor for permanent unfavourable loads.
Permanent favourable
Set the partial factor for permanent favourable loads.
Variable unfavourable
Set the partial factor for variable unfavourable loads.
Variable favourable
Set the partial factor for variable favourable loads.
MaterialFactorTable Material factor table -
Weight (γ)
Set partial factor for the weight parameter.
Effective friction angle (φ')
Set partial factor for effective friction angle parameter.
Effective cohesion (c')
Set partial factor for effective cohesion parameter.
Undrained strength (su)
Set partial factor for undrained strength parameter.