linevector - PLAXIS 2D Input commands documentation

linevector live

Creates lines in directions specified using vectors.
Creates one or more lines from a point (which may either exist, or will be created) in a certain direction by giving a vector and a line length.
linevector Point_2 (6 4) 14 Creates a line from Point_2 in direction (6, 4) with a length of 14.
linevector (1 2) (5 4) 12 (9 7) 10 Creates a line from a new point with coordinates (1, 2) in direction (5, 4) with a length of 12 and a line from the end point of the previous line in direction (9, 7) with a length of 10.
linevector Point_5 (-1 3.2) Line_4 Creates a line from Point_5 in direction (-1, 3.2) and snaps it to Line_4.
<Point'|<Coords: Number' Number'>'> <{1,...}: <<Coords: Number' Number'>' <Number'|<Line'>>>'>'
Point Point object reference Name of the point from which the line should start
Coords Coordinates of the point from which the line should start
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more vectors and length of the line or objects to which the line should snap
Coords Vector that defines the direction of the line that should be created
Number x x-value
Number y y-value
Number Length Length of the line that should be created
Line Line object reference Name of the line to which the created line should snap
Mode Target
Geometry Global
{1,...} Point {1,...} Line