drain - PLAXIS 2D Input commands documentation

drain dr

Adds drain features to lines.
Adds drain features to one or more existing lines in the geometry.
drain Line_1 Adds a drain feature to Line_1.
drain Line_2 Line_3 Adds drain features to Line_2 and Line_3.
drain (Line_6 Line_4) Adds drain features to Line_6 and Line_4.
<{1,...}: <Line'|Polycurve'>>'
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more lines
Line Line object reference Name of the line to which a drain feature should be added
Polycurve Polycurve object reference Name of the polycurve to which a drain feature should be added
Mode Target
Geometry Global
{1,...} Drain
Creates a line between two points (which may either exist, or will be created) and add a drain feature to it.
drain Point_1 (5 6) Creates a new line between Point_1 and a new point with coordinates (5, 6) and adds a drain feature to it.
drain Point_1 Point_4 Creates a new line between Point_1 and Point_4 and adds a drain feature to it.
drain (1 4) (6 5) Creates a new line between two new points with coordinates (1, 4) and (6, 5) and adds a drain feature to it.
<Point'|<Coords: Number' Number'>'> <Point'|<Coords: Number' Number'>'>
Point Point object reference Name of the start point of the drain
Coords Coordinates
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Point Point object reference Name of the end point of the drain
Coords Coordinates
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Mode Target
Geometry Global
{0..2} Point {1} Line {1} Drain
Creates lines between three or more points (which may either exist, or will be created) and add drain features to them.
drain Point_1 (5.1 6.4) Point_3 Creates two lines, one between Point_1 and a new point with coordinates (5.1, 6.4) and one between the new point and Point_3, and adds drain features to both lines.
<Point{3,...}: <Point'|<Coords: Number' Number'>'>>
Point{3,...} 3 Sequence of three or more points
Point Point object reference Names of the points between which the drain should be created
Coords Coordinates
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Mode Target
Geometry Global
{0,...} Point {2,...} Line {2,...} Drain
Creates one or more lines by either giving absolute coordinates or relative coordinates, by giving the angles with respect to the xy-plane and a length or a vector describing the direction and a length and add drain features to them.
drain 1 2 "relative" 3 4 Creates a line from a new point with coordinates (1, 2) to another new point which is 3 in the x- and 4 in the y-direction from the first point at (4, 6) and adds a drain feature to it.
drain Point_1 "relative" 3 4 -5 -9 "angles" 30 16 Creates a line from Point_1 (1, 2) to a new point which is 3 in the x- and 4 in the y-direction from the first point at (4, 6). From that new point a line is created to another new point which is -5 in the x- and -9 in the y-direction from the previous point at (-1, -3). From that point a new line is created which has an angle of 30 degrees with respect to the xy-plane and a length of 16, this line ends at coordinates (12.86, 5). Adds drain features to all lines.
drain (1 2) "angles" 45 10 "absolute" (4 5) Creates a line from a new point with coordinates (1, 2) which has an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the xy-plane and a length of 10. Then creates a line from the end point of the first line to a new point with coordinates (4, 5) and adds drain features to all lines.
<Point'|<Coords: Number' Number'>'> <{1,...}: <<<Text: "absolute"> <Point{1,...}: <Point'|<Coords: Number' Number'>'>>>|<<Text: "angles"> <{1,...}: <Number'(°) <Number'|<Line'>>>'>>|<<Text: "relative"> <Coords{1,...}: <Coords: Number' Number'>'>>|<<Text: "vector"> <{1,...}: <<Coords: Number' Number'>' <Number'|<Line'>>>'>'>>>
Point Point object reference Point from which the drain must start
Coords Coordinates
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more line sub-commands
Text "absolute" Create a drain by giving absolute coordinates
Point{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more points
Point Point object reference Point where the drain ends
Coords Coordinates of the point where the drain ends
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Text "angles" Create one or more drains by giving two angles and a length per drain
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more specifications of angles and length of the drain or object to which the drain should snap
Number Angle Angle of the drain with respect to the xy-plane
Number Length Length of the drain that should be created
Line Line object reference Name of the line to which the created drain should snap
Text "relative" Create one or more drains by giving relative coordinates
Coords{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more coordinates
Coords Coordinates of the point, relative to the starting point, where the drain ends
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Text "vector" Create one or more drains by giving a vector and a length or object to which the drain should snap per drain
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more vectors and length of the drain or object to which the drain should snap
Coords Vector that defines the direction of the drain that should be created
Number x x-value
Number y y-value
Number Length Length of the drain that should be created
Line Line object reference Name of the line to which the created drain should snap
Mode Target
Geometry Global
{0,...} Point {1,...} Line {1,...} Drain
Adds drain features to one or more existing lines in the geometry and directly set their properties.
drain Line_1 "h" 1.2 Adds a drain feature to Line_1 and sets the head to 1.2.
drain (Line_2 Line_3) "h" 1.2 Adds drain features to Line_2 and Line_3 and sets the head to 1.2 for both drains.
<{1,...}: <Line'|Polycurve'>>' <PropValue{1,...}: <PropValue: Text' Any>'>
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more lines
Line Line object reference Name of the line to which a drain feature should be added
Polycurve Polycurve object reference Name of the polycurve to which a drain feature should be added
PropValue{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more property-value pairs
PropValue Property-value pair
Text Property name
Any Value of the property
Mode Target
Geometry Global
{1,...} Drain
Creates a line between two points (which may either exist, or will be created), add a drain feature to it and directly set its properties.
drain Point_1 (5 6) "h" 1.2 Creates a new line between Point_1 and a new point with coordinates (5, 6), adds a drain feature to it and sets the head to 1.2.
<Point'|<Coords: Number' Number'>'> <Point'|<Coords: Number' Number'>'> <PropValue{1,...}: <PropValue: Text' Any>'>
Point Point object reference Name of the start point of the drain
Coords Coordinates
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Point Point object reference Name of the end point of the drain
Coords Coordinates
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
PropValue{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more property-value pairs
PropValue Property-value pair
Text Property name
Any Value of the property
Mode Target
Geometry Global
{0..2} Point {1} Line {1} Drain
Creates lines between three or more points (which may either exist, or will be created), add drain features to them and directly set their properties.
drain Point_1 (5.1 6.4) Point_3 "h" 1.2 Creates two lines, one between Point_1 and a new point with coordinates (5.1, 6.4) and one between the new point and Point_3, adds drain features to both lines and sets the head to 1.2 for both drains.
<Point{3,...}: <Point'|<Coords: Number' Number'>'>> <PropValue{1,...}: <PropValue: Text' Any>'>
Point{3,...} 3 Sequence of three or more points
Point Point object reference Names of the points between which the drain should be created
Coords Coordinates
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
PropValue{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more property-value pairs
PropValue Property-value pair
Text Property name
Any Value of the property
Mode Target
Geometry Global
{0,...} Point {2,...} Line {2,...} Drain
Creates one or more lines by either giving absolute coordinates or relative coordinates, by giving the angles with respect to the xy-plane and a length or a vector describing the direction and a length, add drain features to them and directly set their properties.
drain 1 2 "relative" 3 4 "h" 1.2 Creates a line from a new point with coordinates (1, 2) to another new point which is 3 in the x- and 4 in the y-direction from the first point at (4, 6), adds a drain feature to it and sets the head to 1.2.
<Point'|<Coords: Number' Number'>'> <{1,...}: <<<Text: "absolute"> <Point{1,...}: <Point'|<Coords: Number' Number'>'>>>|<<Text: "angles"> <{1,...}: <Number'(°) <Number'|<Line'>>>'>>|<<Text: "relative"> <Coords{1,...}: <Coords: Number' Number'>'>>|<<Text: "vector"> <{1,...}: <<Coords: Number' Number'>' <Number'|<Line'>>>'>'>>> <PropValue{1,...}: <PropValue: Text' Any>'>
Point Point object reference Point from which the drain must start
Coords Coordinates
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more line sub-commands
Text "absolute" Create a drain by giving absolute coordinates
Point{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more points
Point Point object reference Point where the drain ends
Coords Coordinates of the point where the drain ends
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Text "angles" Create one or more drains by giving two angles and a length per drain
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more specifications of angles and length of the drain or object to which the drain should snap
Number Angle Angle of the drain with respect to the xy-plane
Number Length Length of the drain that should be created
Line Line object reference Name of the line to which the created drain should snap
Text "relative" Create one or more drains by giving relative coordinates
Coords{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more coordinates
Coords Coordinates of the point, relative to the starting point, where the drain ends
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Text "vector" Create one or more drains by giving a vector and a length or object to which the drain should snap per drain
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more vectors and length of the drain or object to which the drain should snap
Coords Vector that defines the direction of the drain that should be created
Number x x-value
Number y y-value
Number Length Length of the drain that should be created
Line Line object reference Name of the line to which the created drain should snap
PropValue{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more property-value pairs
PropValue Property-value pair
Text Property name
Any Value of the property
Mode Target
Geometry Global
{0,...} Point {1,...} Line {1,...} Drain