arrayp - PLAXIS 2D Input commands documentation

arrayp arp

Creates an array from one or more objects.
Creates an array from a specified object, with a specified number of items at the specified angles, with a possibility of rotating the objects.
arrayp Line_1 (0 0) 180 4 True Creates an array from Line_1 with 4 items with an angle of 180 degrees to fill with rotation.
<{1,...}: <Point'|Line'|Polycurve'|Tunnel'|Polygon'>>' <Point'|<Coords: Number' Number'>'> Number' Integer' Boolean'
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more geometric objects
Point Point object reference Name of the point from which an array should be created
Line Line object reference Name of the line from which an array should be created
Polycurve Polycurve object reference Name of the polycurve from which an array should be created
Tunnel Tunnel object reference Name of the tunnel from which an array should be created
Polygon Polygon object reference Name of the polygon from which an array should be created
Point Point object reference Name of the center point around which the array is to be created
Coords Coordinates of the centre point around which the array is to be created
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Number Number Number of items to be created
Integer Angle Angle to fill, in degrees
Boolean True rotates the created objects around the local axis of rotation, False does not rotate the created objects around the local axis of rotation.
Mode Target
Geometry Global
{1,...} Object