addsubcurve - PLAXIS 2D Input commands documentation

addsubcurve asc

Adds a sub section to a tunnel cross section.
Adds a sub section to a tunnel cross section.
addsubcurve Tunnel_1.crosssection Adds a sub section to a Tunnel_1 cross section.
<no parameters>
no parameters
Mode Target
Geometry Tunnel cross section
{1,...} Subsection
Adds one or more sub sections with specified properties to a tunnel cross section.
addsubcurve Tunnel_1.crosssection "line" 5.0 3.0 45.0 2 "arc" 7.0 3.0 30.0 45.0 1.0 Adds a line sub section with an offset 1 of 5.0 and offset 2 of 3.0 and a relative angle of 45.0° and an arc sub section with an offset 1 of 7.0 and offset 2 of 3.0, with a relative start angle of 30.0°, segment angle of 45.0° and radius of 1.0.
<{1,...}: <<<Text: "Line"> Number' Number' <Number'(°) Number'>'>'|<<Text: "Arc"> Number' Number' <Number'(°) Number'(°) Number'>'>'>>
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more section definitions
Text "line" Adds a line sub section to a tunnel cross section
Number Length First offset of a sub section
Number Length Second offset of a sub section
Number Angle Relative start angle of a sub section
Number Length Length of a sub section
Text "arc" Adds an arc sub section to a tunnel cross section
Number Length First offset of a sub section
Number Length Second offset of a sub section
Number Angle Relative start angle of a sub section
Number Angle Angle of a sub section
Number Radius Radius of an arc sub section
Mode Target
Geometry Tunnel cross section
{1,...} Subsection