activate - PLAXIS 2D Input commands documentation

activate act

Activates features.
Activates a feature in one or more phases.
activate Plate_1 (InitialPhase Phase_1) Activates Plate_1 in the initial phase and Phase_1.
activate Line_1 (InitialPhase Phase_1) Activates all features of Line_1 in the initial phase and Phase_1.
<{1,...}: PlxBasePhase'>'
{1,...} 1 Sequence of 1 or more phases
PlxBasePhase Phase reference Name of the phase in which a feature should be activated
Mode Target
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction Activatable object
Activates one or more activatable objects in one or more phases.
activate (Plate_1 Plate_2) (Phase_4 Phase_5) Activates Plate_1 and Plate_2 in Phase_4 and Phase_5.
activate (Plates[-1] Plate_2) InitialPhase Phase_3 Activates the last plate from the list of plates and Plate_2 in the initial phase and Phase_3.
<{1,...}: Activatable>' <{1,...}: Any>'
{1,...} 1 Sequence of 1 or more activatable objects
Activatable Activatable object reference Name of the object that should be activated
{1,...} 1 Sequence of 1 or more phases
Any Phase reference Name of the phase in which the object should be activated
Mode Target
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction Global